It All Starts With a Conversation

A comprehensive audit of your financial position.
An organized system and customized action plan to help you Navigate the Retirement Risk Zone.

and Retirement Income Experts

We help people within 10 years of retirement

With $500,000 or more in investments

Increase their spendable wealth and avoid:

  1. Running out of money while alive.

  2. Being dependent on family or the government.

  3. Giving more than is absolutely necessary to Uncle Sam.

It’s As Simple As…

Step #1:

Schedule your Free Consultation

This appointment will provide the accountability you need to gather your financial data into one place. Whether you work with us or not, you’ll be glad you invested the time to organize your finances.

Step #2:

Complete Your “Financial Health Assessment”

We need to screen before we can diagnose before we can prescribe.

Complete our guided assessment so that we can come to the meeting prepared to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of your current approach.

Step #3:

Review With a Professional

We want you to teach us how you think about money, what you want your money to do for you, and about the money decisions you’ve made thus far. In the meeting we will also share how PFP can help you navigate your retirement and answer any questions you have.

Schedule Your Free Consultation

This is NOT a sales call. This appointment is to help answer questions and determine if there is a values and personality based fit between our firm and your needs.

You should leave the meeting and be able to more clearly asses: "Does it make sense for Eric and his team to create a Retirement Road Map for me?"

Frequently Asked Questions

  • We will help you solve the following problems:

    1) How much portfolio income will you require in retirement?

    2) When can you actually retire?

    3) How much risk are you actually taking with your investment assets?

    4) Are you saving appropriately to meet your goals?

    5) Are you investing appropriately to meet your goals?

    6) How do you monitor your financial health? How frequently?

    7) Do you have a method of evaluating how future investment opportunities will fit with your financial goals?

    8) Do you have “Financial passenger” insurance?

    9) Are you paying more than you should in taxes?

    10) Do you have your financial goals documented?

    Answering these questions will create a stable foundation upon which you can make wise financial decisions.

    You can learn more about our retirement expertise by checking out our YouTube guides, reviewing a sample financial plan, or reading our blog.

  • We are fiduciary, fee-only (commission-free) financial planning firm.

    We lead with financial planning which we charge a flat first year fee of $3,500 for, regardless of income or wealth level. Year 2 onwards we charge $125/month ($1500/yr) for financial planning.

    For households for whom we manage above $500,000 in investments, we waive the financial planning fee and charge a transparent percentage (%) of investments being managed (.75% - 1% per year).

    All of our clients receive ongoing retirement, tax, and income planning as well as tax-efficient investment management.

    Our goal is to ALWAYS provide you value far in excess of the fees you pay. By saving you time, helping you avoid costly mistakes, making tax smart decisions, and protecting your investable assets we enable you to retire without worry.

    The Retirement Road Map we present will help you visualize the process and benefits when working with our team. Scheduling your free consultation with us is the first step to evaluate if we might be a good financial partner for you.

  • Yes! We currently help approximately 45 households across 6 states navigate the retirement risk zone, pay less in taxes, and make smart money decisions.

  • Unfortunately we are not equipped to work on project or hourly basis.

    We do our best work helping retirement savers who are looking for a long term fiduciary partner.

    If you are looking for a financial planner who offers project or hourly based services, you may want to consider using a directory such as Garrett Planning Network or NAPFA and searching based on that criteria.

  • We are indeed fiduciaries 100% of the time. We are proudly commission free and operate under a “Best Interest” standard. You can learn more about Best Interest versus Suitability standards here.

  • When you go to the Doctor for the first time, they take your blood pressure, your heart rate, weigh you, measure your height, and perform other diagnostic tests before they diagnose or prescribe you solutions.

    Financial advice SHOULD operate the same - but in most cases it doesn’t.

    If an advisor wants you to start by rolling over money or prescribing investment solutions without going through a rigorous financial planning process, that’s an immediate sign to head for the hills.

    At Peak Financial Planning, we lead with a financial planning process that includes interviews, document gathering, model building, and getting to know you as a PERSON.

    Only once we understand how you think about money, how you feel about money, how you’ve made money decisions in the past, and what you’d like your money to do for you in the future, will we recommend investment options that are consistent with that.

    Financial plans are living breathing documents. There is no such thing as a static point in time plan that will work for the rest of your life.

    Things in your life change - your employment, your income, your health, your family, your preferences.

    Your financial plan adjusts and adapts with that, which in turn helps you make smarter investment decisions that are consistent with your financial plans.